Wednesday 2 July 2014

Things you should never ever do for love .

Meat Loaf may have been on to something when he sang: "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that." Now, we understand that a mature relationship requires a healthy dose of sacrifice and compromise, but too much of that and you could lose sight of who you really are.

After all, your partner fell for you--not a version of you who made a billion little tweaks and now only slightly resembles you. No matter how much you love someone, there's nothing wrong with putting your foot down every once in a while--even if we're just talking about picking something to watch on Netflix. So check out these things no one should ever have to do for love
Foot the Bill ALL The Time
We are all for powerful women who can support themselves, but that doesn't mean you have to support your date every single time you go out. Plus, let's be honest, it's nice to be wined and dined every once in a while.
Do Weird Sex Stuff
...Unless you want to. Hey, experimenting is awesome and clutch in any good sex life, but if you're so not into something, speak up. 
Ditch Your Friends
As the Spice Girls once said, "If you wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends." In the first few months you may want to spend every waking moment together, but after that, it's important to make sure you're both still logging time with your friends. And if he's not a fan of your crazy partying pal from college, well, maybe he can take a rain check the next time you're seeing her. Hey, it's not like you like every one of his old frat brothers. 
Adopt Their Crazy Hobby
They like to fish? Great! Paintball? Uh, sure, let's try it! Cliff diving? OK, no, stop. If they have a hobby that you have less than zero interest in, there is no harm in saying "See ya when you get back!" 
Spend Every Single Holiday with Their Family
There is only so much you can take of his drunk Aunt Ruth. Plus, it's only fair to take turns seeing each of your folks every year.

Change Your Diet
That's fantastic that you're vegan, but...I love cheese. Seriously, if you change your diet, it should be because you want to. No one should come between a woman and her food.
Trash Your Wardrobe
No partner should pressure you to dress in a way that just isn't you--especially if you love your clothes. A few tweaks here and there are one thing, but a complete wardrobe overhaul is out of the question. (Unless the cast of What Not to Wear shows up at your place of work. Then he's probably on to something.)

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